ClearView Annual report 2024

Notes to the Financial Statements

Key variables that affect the timing and uncertainty Mortality Morbidity Discontinuance rates Expenses Policy Terms Premium Rates

Detail of contract workings

Nature of compensation for claims Benefits defined by the insurance contract are determined by the contract obligation of the issuer and are not directly affected by the performance of the underlying assets or the performance of the contracts as a whole

Type of contract

Non-participating life insurance contracts with fixed terms (Term Life and Disability)

Benefits paid on death or ill health that are fixed and not at the discretion of the issuer

Insurance risks are controlled through the use of underwriting procedures, appropriate premium rating methods and approaches, appropriate reinsurance arrangements, effective claims management procedures and sound and sustainable product terms and conditions. a) Risk management objectives and policies for mitigating insurance risk ClearView Life issues term life insurance contracts and disability insurance contracts. The performance of ClearView Life and its continuing ability to write business depends on its ability to manage insurance risk. b) Methods to limit, manage or transfer insurance risk exposures Reinsurance ClearView Life purchases reinsurance to limit its exposure to accepted insurance risk. ClearView Life cedes to specialist reinsurance companies a proportion of its portfolio for certain types of insurance risk. This serves primarily to reduce the net liability on large individual risks and provide protection against large losses (claims volatility and systemic risks in the short term). The reinsurers used are regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority ( APRA ) and are members of large international groups with sound credit ratings. ClearView Life periodically reviews its reinsurance arrangements and retention levels. Underwriting procedures Underwriting decisions are made using the underwriting procedures reflected in ClearView Life’s underwriting systems and detailed in ClearView Life’s underwriting manual. Such procedures include limits as to delegated authorities and signing powers. The underwriting process is subject to ClearView Life’s internal control processes and is subject to review by the reinsurers from time to time. Claims management Strict claims management procedures help ensure the timely and correct payment of claims in accordance with policy conditions, as well as limiting exposure to inappropriate and fraudulent claims. c) Concentration of insurance risk The insurance business of ClearView Life is written on individual lives (not group business). Individual business is not expected to provide significant exposure to risk concentration. Nonetheless, insurance risk is concentrated to the eastern seaboard of Australia and its capital cities. The concentrated risk exposure is reduced through the use of reinsurance as covered above. d) Pricing risk and terms and conditions of insurance contracts The key risk controls in respect of pricing and policy terms and conditions include: • Review of product pricing by the Appointed Actuary of ClearView Life, including annual analysis of experience and product line profitability as documented in the annual ClearView Life Financial Condition Report; • Formal Appointed Actuary Board advice on new product pricing, new reinsurance arrangements and changes in pricing, terms and conditions and reinsurance arrangements. A separate product and pricing team reports into the Group Executive, Product, Pricing and Data; • Review by the Control Cycle Forum of experience investigations and changes to product, pricing, underwriting process, claims process and distribution process;


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