ClearView Annual report 2024

Directors’ Report

Details of LTVR awards made to Executives that were outstanding during the year ended 30 June 2024 are shown in the table below.

Performance hurdle achievement

Term (in years)

No. of rights on issue

Award Measure Grant date Base date Test date

FY24 FY24 FY23 FY23 FY22 FY21

TSR Aug-23 1/7/2023 30/06/27 EV Aug-23 1/7/2023 30/06/27

Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available

15 15 15 15

1,404,761 1,404,761 1,121,794 1,121,794


Jan-23 1/7/2022 30/06/26

EV Jan-23 1/7/2022 30/06/26

TSR Aug-21



15 2,374,276

TSR Aug-20 1/7/2020 30/06/24




5.3.4 Related party interests Apart from those disclosed below, there is no other related party interest held by other KMP directly or indirectly. The relevant interest of each Non-Executive Director and their related parties in ordinary shares and securities and movement during the year:

Net movement of shares due

Net movement of subordinated notes due to other changes No.

Shares held at 1 July 2023 No.

Subordinated notes held at 1 July 2023 No.

Shares held at 30 June 2024 No.

Subordinated notes held at 30 June 2024 No.

to other changes No.

G Black J Lyon G Burg 1


— —

— — —

— 100,000 — 27,212 — 10,918,090

— —





1 Interest amount of $102,427 was paid to G Burg during FY24 in respect of the subordinated notes held.

The relevant interest of each Executive and their related parties in ordinary shares and securities and movement during the year:

Net movement of shares due to other changes No.

Shares received on exercise of ESP No.

Shares received on exercise of LTIP No.

Shares received on exercise of LTVR, STVR No.

Shares held at 1 July 2023 No.

Shares held at 30 June 2024 No.

Executives N Gooderick


— —

— —

— —

— —


A Chiert



C Blaxland- Walker


— (197,811)

Former Executives S Swanson 1

5,550,000 2,000,000

— 7,550,000

1 The shares held at the date S Swanson ceased as a KMP on 30 June 2023 plus additional shares received on exercise of ESP during the year.


ClearView Wealth Limited

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