ClearView Annual report 2024

Directors’ Report

5.3.2 Movement of ESP shares under non-recourse loans

Movements of the 3,747,525 ESP shares (2023: 14,271,030 shares) held by executive KMP and former executive KMPs during the reporting period are set out below:

Vested and exercisable at 30 June 2024 2 No.

Held at 30 June 2024 No.

Vested during the year No.

Held at 1 July 2023 No.

Granted No.

Exercised No.

Forfeited No.

Executives A Chiert 1


— —

— —

— 2,500,000 1,000,000 2,500,000

C Blaxland-Walker 1 Former Executives S Swanson 3


— 1,247,525

— 1,247,525


— (2,000,000) (8,000,000)

— —

— —

— —

D Lowe 4


— (523,505)

1 Additional non-recourse loans up to a maximum of $1 per vested ESP share held in May 2017 were granted and is secured by the vested ESP shares. 2 Interest is charged on vested shares as resolved by the Board. 3 Ceased to hold a KMP role on 30 June 2023. The Board approved granting an extension of the loan term to 30 November 2023 relating Mr Swanson’s vested ESP shares. During the year, 2 million shares were exercised and converted to ordinary shares, and the remaining 8 million shares were forfeited. 4 Ceased to hold a KMP role on 30 June 2023. Employment terminated during the year. Unvested ESP shares fully lapsed on cessation of employment and the associated expense was reversed.


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