ClearView Annual report 2024

Directors’ Report

Remuneration report

This Remuneration Report for the year ended 30 June 2024 forms part of the Directors’ Report. It has been prepared in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 ( Cth ) ( the Act ), the Corporations Regulations 2001 ( Cth ) and AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures and audited as required by the Act. It also includes additional information and disclosures that are intended to enable a deeper understanding by shareholders of ClearView’s remuneration governance and practices. 1. People covered by this report This report covers Directors and Key Management Personnel ( KMP ) which are defined as those who have the authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of ClearView Wealth Limited ( ClearView ).

Term as

Nomination & Remuneration

Risk & Compliance


Position 1

KMP 1 Audit

Non-Executive Directors Geoff Black

Independent Non-Executive Chairman Non-Executive Director

Full year

Michael Alscher 2

Part year

Gary Burg

Independent Non-Executive Director Full year Independent Non-Executive Director Full year

Jennifer Lyon



Nathanial Thomson Non-Executive Director

Full year Part year

Eloise Watson 2

Non-Executive Director (Alternate to Nathanial Thomson / Michael Alscher)

Edward Fabrizio

Independent Non-Executive Director Full year


Executives Nadine Gooderick Managing Director

Full year Full year

Judilyn Beaumont 3

General Counsel and Chief Risk Officer Group Executive, Distribution

Christopher Blaxland- Walker

Full year

Athol Chiert

Chief Financial Officer

Full year Full year Full year

Joanne Faglioni

Group Executive, Operations Group Executive, Product and Pricing

Nick Kulikov

Hicham Mourad

Chief Technology Officer

Full year Full year

Cloe Reece 4

Chief Risk Officer

✓ = Member, C = Chair

1 Position shown as the KMP’s last held position. If an individual did not serve as a KMP for the full financial year, all remuneration is disclosed from the date the individual was appointed as a KMP to the date they ceased as a KMP unless otherwise specified. 2 Appointed as Alternate Non-Executive Director to Nathanial Thomson and Michael Alscher. Resigned as Director on 23 May 2024. 3 Position title updated to General Counsel and Chief Risk officer effective from 2 September 2024. Previously Group Executive, General Counsel and Corporate. 4 Resigned as Chief Risk Officer effective from 1 September 2024.


ClearView Annual Report 2024

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