ClearView Annual report 2024

Directors’ Report

Changes in state of affairs Other than noted elsewhere in this report, there were no other significant changes in the state of affairs of the Group, during the year ended 30 June 2024.

Subsequent events

FY24 Final Dividend A final fully franked FY24 cash dividend of 1.7 cents per share or $11.1 million has been declared subsequent to year end. This brings the total dividends paid in respect of FY24 to 3.2 cents per share, comparing with dividends of 3.0 cents per share for FY23. The FY24 payout ratio is 60% of Underlying NPAT – at the top end of the target payout ratio. The DRP has been reinstated and will operate for the FY24 final dividend. FY24 Dividend from ClearView Life Assurance Limited A dividend of $17.5 million was declared to be paid from ClearView Life Assurance Limited ( CLAL ) to its parent entity, ClearView Group Holdings Pty Limited ( CGHPL ) on 20 August 2024. Subsequently, a dividend of $17.5 million was declared to be paid from CGHPL to its parent entity, ClearView Wealth Limited ( CWL ), part of which will be used to fund the cash component of the FY24 final dividend.


ClearView Annual Report 2024

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