ClearView Annual report 2024

Directors’ Report

Directors’ report

The Directors of ClearView Wealth Limited (ASX:CVW, ClearView or the Company) submit their report, together with the financial report of the consolidated entity (the Group) for the year ended 30 June 2024 (the financial year): Directors The following persons were Directors of ClearView during the financial year and since the end of the financial year unless otherwise noted: • Geoff Black (Chair) • Michael Alscher (Resigned as Director and appointed as Alternate Director to Eloise Watson on 8 April 2024, and resigned and re-appointed as Director on 24 May 2024) • Gary Burg • Edward Fabrizio • Nadine Gooderick (Appointed as Managing Director on 1 July 2023) • Jennifer Lyon • Simon Swanson (Resigned as Managing Director on 1 July 2023) • Nathanial Thomson • Eloise Watson (Resigned as Alternate Director to Nathanial Thomson and appointed as Director on 8 April 2024, and resigned as Director on 23 May 2024) Principal activities ClearView is an Australian financial services company with businesses that, during the year, offered life insurance, superannuation and investment products and services under the ClearView brand. ClearView’s life insurance products are manufactured under a retail life insurance Australian Financial Services ( AFS ) licence and are designed to allow policyholders to receive (in the case of an eligible claim) either a one off payment (lump sum products) or recurring benefits (ongoing monthly payments) over a specified period, typically a certain number of years, or up to a specific age (income protection products). Significant progress was made in FY24 to reset and simplify the business with the ambition of retaining its core focus of being a life risk insurance provider. The Company disposed of its remaining equity interest in Centrepoint Alliance Limited ( Centrepoint Alliance ) allowing for the full exit from financial advice and furthermore material steps were made on the exit from the Wealth Management business (including completion of the sale of the investment management business and retirement of the ClearView trustee). Further details are provided later in the report.


ClearView Wealth Limited

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